VORE – Vegas Off Road Experience
Vegas Experiences – Things To Do in Las Vegas
The VORE arena-style, professional level, short course racing track is brand-new. Have you ever wished you could participate in a professional Pro2 short course off-road race? You can now, though. To create a pro level short course circuit that will give you the finest driving experience in Vegas off-road racing, we have spent hundreds of development hours working with only the best in the industry.
Contact us for any additional deals or packages possibly offered with this experience!
Get the VIP travel experience
What’s Included
- From the majority of the main hotels in the Las Vegas area, we will pick you up and drop you off at the time of your scheduled departure.
- Each participant will receive an orientation, one lap of instruction, and five further laps.
- Your transportation and equipment are both provided.
Days Open: Sunday – Saturday
Hours Open: 9AM – 4PM
Additional Info
- Experience with off-road driving is not necessary.
- There are no specified limitations on height or weight.
- We advise wearing casual or sports casual clothing. Flip-flops and high heels with open toes are not permitted for your protection. We provided protective gear, such as a helmet with a visor and a head sock. During your driving experience, you can store all of your personal belongings at the VORE clubhouse, including purses, caps, and glasses.
- You can purchase individual photo packages from VORE.
- There is no refund for reservations.