Awakening Las Vegas
Vegas Experiences – Things To Do in Las Vegas
The brand-new Wynn Las Vegas production Awakening invites spectators to join our lovely heroine and her two traveling companions on their mission to bring back love and beauty to the earth. In a 360-degree theater especially created for Awakening, journey with them and discover hitherto unexplored places. Modern myth and magic combine with dramatic choreography, cutting-edge technology, fantastical animals, and a specially created sound system to bring the beautiful original musical score of Awakening to life.
Contact us for any additional deals or packages possibly offered with this experience!
Get the VIP travel experience
What’s Included
360 degree awakening theatre experience
Location: The Wynn Las Vegas
Days Open: Monday – Saturday
Hours Open: 3PM – 11PM
Additional Info
- Must be 5 years of age or older
- Show times are 7pm – 9:30 pm Tuesday-Saturday